Monday, October 20, 2008

Never leave any valuable thing in the library without paying attention.

I feel upset today because when I tried to search for books and rewrite my research paper, I lost my cell phone in the Bronfman Library. It sucked. I did not leave my phone for a long time, but still, somebody took it away while I was checking the bookshelf right beside the table where I was sitting. Although I went to the service table and told the lady that I had lost my cell phone, she said they were not able to help me because they are not supposed to set up monitors in the study area. Afterwards, I realized it was not the right time to be upset; instead, I should shut the calling service down to avoid “that guy” using my phone to call somebody abroad. Then I went to the nearest Rogers shop and asked them to cancel or freeze the service until I got a new phone. I remember that one of my friends lost her new PDA in the library of Seneca College. The situations are quite the same—we both left for a very short period of time. I just want to warn people that library is really an unsafe place for your personal stuff.

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